Guiise, because I don't know dick about computers, I'm probably going to go with this build I found on the Whirlpool wiki - but yeah, what do you reckon?
CPU: AM3 x6 1055T
RAM: 4GB DDR3 G.Skill-Ripjaws 1600
GPU: HD5770 // GTX460 1GB
HDD: Samsung F3 1TB
PSU: Antec Neo Eco 520W
CASE: Antec 300
~HSF: Coolermaster Hyper 212+
Total: $854 ($1,093)
I'm guessing skip the 2nd hdd, because I don't think I'll even use 1tb. Specifically for digital painting / photoshop and stuff. Discuss. Alternatively, suggest me better builds.
Also, I'm doing free commissions on the basis of tips - meaning you pay how much you feel like paying. More details here.
Basically just PM me with whatever you want, and I will slave away at your whim for pennies.
If this kind of thing floats your boat, check out my time lapses on my Youtube.
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